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Alaska Food System Network Gathering
11:30 AM11:30

Alaska Food System Network Gathering

The Alaska Food System Network Gathering, a quarterly virtual meet-up hosted by the Alaska Food Policy Council, is a space for all Alaskans who participate in or support our food system. From community leaders to farmers and fishers, food businesses and entrepreneurs, to food enthusiasts, food pantries, and beyond, all are welcome. 

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The Future of Rhodiola in Alaska: Pathways to Organic Production
10:30 AM10:30

The Future of Rhodiola in Alaska: Pathways to Organic Production

Join AFPC and the Northwest Transition to Organic Partnership Program to walk through the results of our recent Rhodiola market survey conducted by Spork Consulting. The event will be both online and in person and give current and prospective Rhodiola farmers the opportunity to learn about the potential for Rhodiola markets in our state and the opportunities for organic certification.

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Come Say HI! at Bike to Work Day
7:00 AM07:00

Come Say HI! at Bike to Work Day

We will be joining the Anchorage Municipal Department of Health and Bike Anchorage to celebrate Bike to Work Day in Anchorage. Stop by the Seed Lab in Downtown Anchorage for fresh breakfast treats from Concoction Bread and Provisions and talk to us about how you can join the work to build a healthy, nourished, and food-secure Alaska.

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11:00 AM11:00

AFMA Monthly Food Access Forum: 1st MEETING!

FOCUS: Food Access Programs at Farmer’s Markets
(on zoom)


Starting in November AFMA will host a Food Access Forum once a month! We will meet 11AM – 12:00 PM via ZOOM. We encourage market managers, farmers, and others interested in food access to join in the conversation. Each moth we will discuss a Food Access topic. On November 21st we will discuss Food access programs that markets hosted during the 2023 Farmers Market season. 

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Stickleback Farm Community Service Day: Fruit Tree Planting
12:00 PM12:00

Stickleback Farm Community Service Day: Fruit Tree Planting

Volunteers needed!

What: Stickleback Farm is a community-led initiative to activate a neglected parcel of urban land and create a new, positive community space. With funding through the DNR Division of Forestry and collaboration with the Municipality of Anchorage, UAA Division of Population Health and FRESH, AFPC is growing a demonstration orchard planted in fish totes. We would love your help in planting trees and look forward to sharing updates about the farm site.

What to bring if you can: Work gloves, shovel, watering can, box cutter, 5 gallon buckets, wheelbarrow, step stool

Where: 3rd Ave. and Ingra (parking available onsite or along 3rd Avenue)

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Cottage Food Series: Open Listening Session
10:00 AM10:00

Cottage Food Series: Open Listening Session

On Tuesday June 29 at 10am, the Food Safety and Sanitation Program will hold a listening session, concluding its series of webinars dealing with cottage food exemptions.  During this webinar, the Food Safety and Sanitation program would like to hear from food businesses, including processors who hold a permit, home-based operations, farmers market managers, and others interested in the cottage food exemptions in the Alaska Food Code. DEC will then consider these comments in determining whether and what types of amendments should be made to the current exemptions.

The program is holding this listening session in collaboration with the Alaska Food Policy Council, the Alaska Farmers Market Association, and the Alaska Farm Bureau.

MEETING ID: 862 3989 3683
PASSCODE: 218201
JOIN BY PHONE: (253) 215-8782

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Technical Skills Workshop for Community Food Projects
12:00 PM12:00

Technical Skills Workshop for Community Food Projects

An introduction to Zoom, Shared Document Platforms, & Chat Apps

Presented in partnership with our Regional Food System Partnership project organizations and participants and facilitated by FRESH: The Food Research, Enterprise, and Sustainability Hub (FRESH) of the North works to catalyze the modern food landscape of tomorrow by honoring the living traditions of yesterday and harnessing the innovative spirit of today’s Circumpolar North.

Meeting ID: 848 9584 9436
Passcode: 260118
JOIN BY PHONE: (253) 215-8782

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Measure What Matters: Farmers Markets through the lens of the global Sustainable Development Goals
12:00 PM12:00

Measure What Matters: Farmers Markets through the lens of the global Sustainable Development Goals

Presented by our friends at the Alaska Farmers Market Association

Presenter Joel Cladouhos will provide an overview of the SDG framework followed by an interactive discussion focused on these questions: How are the SDGs aligned with farmers’ markets in Alaska? What are the most relevant targets to be achieved and how are they measured? How can these goals, targets, and Indicators be improved? What are the opportunities and ways in which your business, non-profit or research project can leverage the SDGs?

Meeting ID: 894 9805 0425
Passcode: 477213
Join by phone: (253) 215-8782

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AFPC Quarterly Food Systems Discussion Series: COLD STORAGE & TRANSPORTATION
12:00 PM12:00

AFPC Quarterly Food Systems Discussion Series: COLD STORAGE & TRANSPORTATION

The second in our 2021 series on Alaska food systems issues, the Alaska Food Policy Council invites you to attend this hour and a half presentation and working session on cold storage and food transportation in Alaska. We will kick off with a background presentation on cold storage state-of-affairs and challenges in the state, followed by an expert panel. The session will end with an active breakout session to gather feedback and thoughts from the greater Alaskan community on the issues presented. Feedback will then be aggregated and distributed to the group after the session has ended. Join us to learn and discuss this matter, which is so critical to communities across the state. We will open up with a general overview of cold storage conditions in Alaska, followed by a panelist discussion, then move on to sector-specific break-out room discussions.


  • Jodie Anderson, Director, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Matanuska Experiment Farm and Extension Center

  • Aryn Young, Blood Sweat and Food Farm

  • Melissa Heuer, Spork Consulting and Su Salmon Co

  • Micah Hahn, Copper Valley River Salmon Collective, and University of Alaska Anchorage (Climate Action Plan)

  • Ronalda Angasan, Ag Alaska - Alaska Village Initiatives

Questions explored:

  1. Self-introduction and how you offer, utilize, support, or need cold storage for food in Alaska.

  2. Does Alaska need additional cold storage capacity? If yes, for who and why? If no, why do you think that? 

  3. Who should be investing in the cold chain? The state? Private industry? 

  4. What do you want state decision-makers, food businesses, and investors to know about cold storage? What else would you like to add to this conversation?
    For more background information, take a look at our first webinar held in January - Food Transportation webinar!


Dial by phone: (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 813 6300 8700
Passcode: 984062

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Alaska Cottage Food Webinar Series: Part 2, Scaling Up
9:30 AM09:30

Alaska Cottage Food Webinar Series: Part 2, Scaling Up

Alaska Food Code allows the sale of non-potentially hazardous foods sold directly to the consumer without a permit as long as certain conditions are met.

What are the next steps for businesses who are have outgrown cottage food and want to become a regularly permitted facility? Presenters from the Alaska DEC Food Safety and Sanitation Programs, Veracity Insurance, Evie’s Brinery, Bagel Shop, Lucy’s Market, and Alaska Salt Company, will go over the minimum requirements for small food businesses and resources to assist you. You can hear from small businesses who have made this jump to the next level of growth.

Co-sponsored by the Alaska Food Policy Council, Alaska Farm Bureau,
and Alaska Farmers Market Association


Meeting ID: 853 2762 5115

Passcode: 524428
Join by phone: (253) 215-8782

A special thanks to:

The Bagel Shop
Alaska Salt Company
Lucy’s Market
Evie’s Brinery

Veracity Insurance &

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Alaska Cottage Food Producers Webinar
8:30 AM08:30

Alaska Cottage Food Producers Webinar

Alaska Food Code allows the sale of non-potentially hazardous foods sold directly to the consumer without a permit as long as certain conditions are met.

Presenters from the Alaska DEC and MUNI of Anchorage Food Safety and Sanitation programs will provide an overview of cottage food regulations and requirements and answer questions.

Co-sponsored by the Alaska Food Policy Council, Alaska Farm Bureau,
and Alaska Farmers Market Association


Meeting ID: 893 3138 2743
Passcode: 278411
Join by phone: (253) 215-8782

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Food Security Week - EATING ALASKA Film Screening and Panel Discussion
6:00 PM18:00

Food Security Week - EATING ALASKA Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Join us for a screening of the 2008 film, Eating Alaska. A post-film panel discussion with filmmaker Ellen Frankenstein and Rep. Tarr, Rep. Rauscher, Rep. Carpenter, and Rep. Cronk will explore how much Alaska's food security has grown over the last decade and what the future could hold.

"Eating Alaska is a serious and humorous film about connecting to where you live and eating locally. Made by a former city dweller now living on an island in Alaska and married to a fisherman, deer hunter, and environmental activist, it is a journey into food politics, regional food traditions, our connection to the wilderness, and to what we put into our mouths."


2021 Food Security Week FILM Flyer (3).png
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AFPC Quarterly Food Systems Discussion Series: TRANSPORTATION
12:00 PM12:00

AFPC Quarterly Food Systems Discussion Series: TRANSPORTATION

Join the Alaska Food Policy Council for a working lunch session on food transportation in Alaska.

The first in our 2021 series on Alaska food systems issues, the Alaska Food Policy Council invites you to attend this hour and a half presentation and working session on food transportation in Alaska. We will kick off with a background presentation on food transport state-of-affairs and challenges in the state, followed by an expert panel. The session will end with an active breakout session to gather feedback and thoughts from the greater Alaskan community on the issues presented. Feedback will then be aggregated and distributed to the group after the session has ended. Join us to learn and discuss this matter, which is so critical to communities across the state.

We will open up with a general overview of food system transportation conditions in Alaska, followed by a panelist discussion, then move on to sector-specific break-out room discussions.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Chelsea Ward-Walker, Anchorage Muni transport expert

  • Sandra Harbanuk - Alaska WIC

  • Walter Pickett - AC Stores

  • Kyla Byers - Arctic Harvest Deliveries

  • Emily Garrity (pre-recorded) - Twitter Creek Gardens

  • More guests TBA


“... the system operates an aging ferry fleet that is costly to maintain and operate, poorly matched to ferry route needs, with limited flexibility to adjust to changing circumstances”
- October 2020, Alaska Marine Highway Reshaping Work Group report to the Governor

“The most successful of these efforts have often been small in scale. All would be strengthened if Alaska created lasting infrastructure to support local foods. This is a necessity since food transportation routes have been an afterthought in state planning— at first these routes were dictated by the mining industry, and now by public investment in highways, railroads, and airports.”
- September 2018, Potential Infrastructure Investments for Alaska-Grown Food,
report commissioned by AFPC

“The Postal Service cannot afford to subsidize a service that has expanded beyond its original purpose and does not appear essential to the Postal Service’s mission to bind the nation together through the provision of reliable, affordable, universal mail service,”
- November 2011 Alaska Bypass: Beyond Its Original Purpose, a report by USPS

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Webinar: How to Accept SNAP/EBT at Your Farm or Market
9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: How to Accept SNAP/EBT at Your Farm or Market

MarketLink, Alaska Farmers Market Association, Alaska Farm Bureau, and Alaska Food Policy Council are offering a FREE webinar on December 15, 2020, about the MarketLink Free EBT/SNAP Equipment Program for farmers markets and direct-marketing farmers. This webinar will cover everything you need to know about accepting SNAP/EBT including: ⁠
• What you will need to complete an FNS application ⁠and become a SNAP-authorized retailer
• Tips and tricks for completing this application⁠
• Details of MarketLink's free SNAP/EBT equipment program⁠
• And will conclude with plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Want to see if you qualify? Get a jumpstart on our eligibility application at


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