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Let’s Vote, Alaska!

Let’s Vote, Alaska!

As a nonpartisan, 501(c)3 organization, the Alaska Food Policy Council doesn’t endorse or support any candidates. But we are deeply dedicated to connecting Alaskans and sharing information across the state about who Alaskans can engage in their local elections.

Get Growing! Exploring Agricultural Lending Options in Alaska

Get Growing! Exploring Agricultural Lending Options in Alaska

Representatives from various state and federal lending programs presented information on the types of loans, terms, eligibility requirements, and more. Additionally, they highlighted the use of mariculture activities and the benefits of leasing equipment and real estate. Support for beginning farmers was also discussed, with a focus on offering tailored solutions for long-term success.

AFPC In DC: Trip Report

AFPC In DC: Trip Report

Over the first week of June, Robbi and Rachel were in DC on behalf of the Alaska Food Policy Council as part of the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC)’s Anti-Hunger Policy Conference. Learn more about the trip and what our biggest takeaways were.

Alaska Legislative Wrap-Up and Future Outlook

Alaska Legislative Wrap-Up and Future Outlook

The 33rd Session of the Alaska State Legislature adjourned shortly after midnight on May 15. The final hours were marked by intense activity, with language from stalled bills merging into moving ones. A lot of bills passed the Legislature addressing our food system - we’re excited to review the session alongside our 2024 policy priorities.