Join an AFPC Committee or Working Group Today!
Contribute your expertise and curiosity by actively participating on a committee or working group to help AFPC move our statewide mission forward. This is an opportunity to learn more about the topics the AFPC is working on and is a pathway to becoming a governing board member. Board membership isn’t required though- help out as long as you’d like! Typically committees and working groups meet monthly via Zoom, along with occasional email communications.
The AFPC Board forms working groups and committees to assist in fulfilling our mission:
Working Groups - are formed to address specific topics and needs within Alaska’s food systems; working groups are intended to focus their expertise on specific topics and advise and provide recommendations to the board and staff. Working groups Include: Indigenous Foods, Hydroponics, Food Waste, Advocacy, and Food Hubs.
Standing committees - are a core part of the organization’s structure, and make decisions about organizational operations. These committees include: Finance, Fundraising, Communications, Alaska Food Festival & Conference Planning, and Board Development.
Advocacy Working Group
Learn more about our advocacy efforts
This working group follows issues important to building more sustainable food systems in Alaska and engages with policymakers and the public to increase awareness of these issues. The working group submits recommendations to the Governing Board on identifying AFPC’s priorities, works on comments or suggestions to submit on these issues, and works with other organizations to coordinate efforts in Juneau for Food Security Week. The Advocacy Working Group has also taken on developing a candidate survey as a way to inform voters on how their candidates feel about food systems issues.
Food Hub Working Group
A food hub is defined by the USDA, as “a centrally located facility with a business management structure facilitating the aggregation, storage, processing, distributions, and/or marketing of locally/regionally produced food products.” Food Hubs’ popularity is gaining momentum in the state, with many communities exploring creating their own place-based models. In the fall of 2015, the Alaska Food Policy Council hosted the Wallace Center for an all-day Food Hub Workshop in Anchorage, which was attended by 40 participants from around the state.
The goal was to gather a wide array of stakeholders - farmers, growers, food businesses and entrepreneurs, buyers, chefs, and related organizations, to build community, identify what is going well with our food system, identify common challenges, possible solutions, and innovative ways to work together to strengthen the local food movement.
Indigenous Foods Working Group
Launched in 2020, this much-needed working group was born, focusing on Indigenous and traditional foods. The working group is still in its infancy, meeting with various members throughout Alaska’s communities. We are working on our mission and have established three goals: 1) advocacy, 2) provide networking opportunities, and 3) provide support for food system assessment and planning.
The diversity that exists across Alaska’s landscape is reflected in the diversity that exists between Tribes. Yet, there are things that connect us all, no matter the culture, language, or history. We all eat. What we eat and how we eat is something that defines us, and it is something that connects us. Over the past year, the Indigenous Foods Committee has continued to refine scope and strategic plan for the committee to help ensure that the priorities being pursued were meaningful to the committee members. Priorities include identifying and supporting policy that helps ensure continued access to traditional use harvest areas, increased opportunities for funding and technical support, and strengthening relationships between the State of Alaska and Tribes to support food sovereignty and security.
We are working to further food security with Alaska Native/American Indian communities, food sovereignty, and advocating for policies that affect the production, sale, or trading of traditional foods. Indigenous foods are a vital part of Alaska’s food system. It is important we work to further food security and sovereignty throughout Alaska and advocate the importance of Indigenous foods. The committee meets on the last Thursday of every month, 12:30-2pm. We are currently recruiting more participants to increase the scope and capacity of the work that is occurring.
Food Waste Working Group
Learn more about food waste and our 2023 priorities here.
Food waste is a constant challenge for this planet’s population. This working group’s goals include: 1) compiling food waste information and policies, 2) identifying activities for people to reduce food waste, and 3) encouraging food waste reduction locally.
We are looking for additional committee members who are energetic and have ideas and solutions to address this common topic in their local communities.
Alaska Food Festival & Conference Planning Committee
The Conference planning committee helps to plan the semi-annual Alaska Food Festival and Conference, one of AFPCs key-outreach and networking events that allow us to connect, educate and advocate on the food system. Committee work includes choosing a venue, working with catering, recruiting and coordinating presenters, promotion of the conference, recruiting sponsors, soliciting silent auction donations, coordinating volunteers, and much more! It is somewhat demanding committee work, but enriching–you will be part of something that you can be proud of. If you like figuring out the little details, coordinating people, and creating special events, this committee is for you.
We would love your help planning our next conference taking place in Anchorage, March 2022. Contact Lorinda Lhotka or Robbi Mixon to get involved.
Hydroponics Working Group
Hydroponics is emerging as a viable opportunity for growing food year-round, particularly Alaska’s rural communities. The working group will provide a platform for those who are actively engaged in growing hydroponically to share successes and assist with challenges and to provide opportunities for those interested in hydroponics to learn and network with growers.
The Hydroponic Working Group meets virtually. The Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 2pm.
AFPC Communications Committee
This committee is responsible for outreach and the outward-facing communications of the AFPC. Members work together to aggregate content and create newsletters, create and post social media content on Facebook and Instagram, oversight, and recommendation of AFPC web pages including writing blogs or recruiting for contributions, draft and distribute press releases, promote the Alaska Food Festival and Conference and other special events and create and maintain the AFPC Annual Report. If you are creative, enjoy writing and making social media posts, this committee is for you.
Contact Leah Moss to get involved.