Do you have a resource that should be listed here? Get in touch, we’d love to add it!
Kenai Local Food Connection: Kenai Peninsula Local Food Directory
Kenai Local Food Connection is an informal group of local food advocates, growers, parents, cooks, and friends. Some of us also work in positions dedicated to food and health. It's a grassroots effort to forge connections within our community to increase access to local foods and knowledge about healthy eating.
Alaska Farmers Market Association: Statewide Farmers Markets, Farmstands, CSAs, and Food Hubs
Mission Statement: To support and promote vibrant and sustainable farmers markets throughout Alaska.
There are 150 food pantries and food banks across Alaska that partner with the Food Bank of Alaska to support Alaskans in need of food resources. Find help here.
Local First - Alaskans know how to look out for each other. When local businesses succeed, Alaska thrives.
Intertribal Agriculture Council: American Indian Foods
American Indian Foods (AIF) is a program of the Intertribal Agriculture Council that began in 1998 under contract with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. The partnership was developed as a platform for American Indian food businesses to showcase their products and share Tribal cultures with the world.
Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation: Interior Alaska Agriculture Map and Directory
FEDC facilitates the development of the Interior’s agriculture industry by assisting in broadening and stabilizing the Interior’s economic base and strengthening food security.
Matanuska Experiment Farm & Extension Center
Updated 2022 Locally Grown Resource Guide - Southcentral Alaska
The Division of Agriculture publishes the "Alaska Grown Source Book" online in response to numerous requests from the public and industry. This directory depends on the response of producers and does not claim to include all producers or sellers.