The Alaska Food Policy Council is excited to be developing the framework for a new statewide AmeriCorps program focused on locally-driven food security projects - AFPC AmeriCorpS.
Across Alaska, Feeding America and the Food Bank of Alaska estimate 86,970 people face hunger, including 28,160 children. This translates to 1 in 8 Alaskans facing hunger and 1 in 6 Alaskan children facing hunger. Two of the major causes of the prevalence of hunger in Alaska are:
a lack of local access to healthy food, and
a loss of awareness of local food options.
We will focus our efforts on increasing local foods knowledge and information sharing, and supporting food system projects to increase access to healthy food in the communities where our members serve.
Through AmeriCorps, AFPC would work with partners around Alaska to develop service plans that are aligned with the goals of our 2022 Alaska Food Security Action Plan. The members will be focused in three types of positions, further described below, that have specific service plans driven by the local need in their community.
Why AmeriCorps?
By working through the national AmeriCorps program, we have great potential to tap into resources to build, support, and grow a network of service focused on locally-driven food security in Alaska. AmeriCorps members can be recruited locally, regionally, or nationally. We envision the AmeriCorps utilizing some combination of recruitment across the state. Unlike VISTA programs, ‘State/National’ AmeriCorps programs can have flexible service windows - anywhere from a couple of months to a full year. Members will receive a living stipend, as well as an educational award following their service. AmeriCorps service can be focused as a workforce pipeline, and we are excited for opportunities to help Alaskans build careers in the many facets of our food system. Importantly, through the AmeriCorps, AFPC is envisioning a strong, connected network of partners and service members (both current and alum) across the state to help grow and sustain our food systems network.
Position Descriptions:
Food Literacy & Outreach Coordinators
Food Literacy & Outreach Coordinators are responsible for projects with host sites that are improving food system literacy and skills to build greater awareness of local foods, traditional foodways, and nutrition to decrease hunger largely utilizing existing local food systems within the communities where members are serving.
Essential Functions (may include some or all of the following):
Research, plan, and teach workshops and classes on local food production, storage, processing, and/or preparing
Expand traditional food knowledge resources beyond culture camps into local schools
Support and grow youth and Elder mentorship programs focused on traditional food knowledge
Coordinate with local and regional food network partners to share local food resources and knowledge through developing and expanding (where they already exist) food-related service activities, workshops, and celebrations
Engage food producers and community members in food waste reduction and composting projects
Support Traditional Foods Programs
Food Systems Crew Members
Food Systems Crew Members are responsible for projects with host sites that are directly engaged in projects that increase local food access and production by building and improving food system physical infrastructure and/or enhancing, improving, and creating new markets and food production to increase food security and decrease hunger in the communities where members are serving.
Essential Functions (may include some or all of the following):
Strengthen local food system infrastructure by improving local food production at community gardens and other community-based agricultural projects
Improving food hub, farmers market, and other local food distribution systems through engaging volunteers, strengthening delivery systems, and collaborating with local and regional food partners
Supporting community-wide efforts to improve food storage, commercial kitchen use, and composting efforts
Helping to identify, improve, and provide community engagement on subsistence foods access needs, including trail building and fish camp access projects
Food Network Coordinator
The Food Network Coordinator will be responsible for projects that connect and strengthen food systems across Alaska. They will work directly with AFPC staff and have opportunities to develop connections with AFPC Board members and partners through their service.
Essential Functions:
Develop and implement food system workshops, in-person events, and training sessions that will strengthen and support the network of AmeriCorps current and future host sites, supervisors, community members, and partners
Provide outreach to potential AmeriCorps s site hosts and community leaders
Create celebrations for AmeriCorps members and partners to build community through food