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Browse our collection of research about the Alaska food system:

Alaska Food Policy Council Documents  |  Articles  |  Presentations & Talks

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Alaska Food Policy Council Documents

Alaska Food Strategy Task Force (HB298) - Report: Part Two (2024)

Rhodiola Rosea Market Opportunities (2024)

Annual Reports (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

How the Alaska “Food Hub” Network Can Best Move Forward. Ken Meter, Crossroads Resource Center, Minneapolis, MN for Alaska Food Policy Council. February 2024.

Alaska Food Strategy Task Force (HB298) - Report: Part One (2023).

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Food Policy Council, 2022 Governor’s Task Force on Food Security and Independence. (February 2023) Alaska Food Security and Independence Task Force 2022 Report. (please see link below for appendices, part 4)

The Kenai Peninsula Food Systems Resilience Report: Impact From COVID and Severe Climactic Events.
Courtney Long and Kaley Hohenshell. February 2023.

2020-2022 USDA Regional Food System Partnership Project Report & Food Security Action Plan. Robbi Mixon, Rachael Miller, & Lisa Trocchia, with contributions from over 325 participants. September 2022.

Containerized Fruit Trees in the North -Stickleback Farm Report. Sundance Visser for the Alaska Food Policy Council. May 2022.

2021-2022 Alaska Food Security Investment Recommendations

Potential Infrastructure Investments for Alaska-Grown Food. Ken Meter and Megan Phillips Goldenberg. Crossroads Resource Center, Minneapolis, MN. September 18, 2018.

Alaska Food Policy Council Community Kitchen Table Discussions.  Alaska Humanities Forum - Leadership Anchorage 20. Mike Catsi, Danielle Stickman, and Amy O'Connor. May 2017.

AFPC 2015 Food Security Recommendations. Alaska Food Policy Council. 2015.

AFPC Town Hall Meeting Reports: Palmer, Anchorage, Homer, Bethel, FairbanksJuneau, Nome. Alaska Food Policy Council. 2014.

Building Food Security in Alaska. Executive Summary & Recommendations.  Ken Meter and Megan Phillips Goldenberg. Crossroads Resource Center, Minneapolis, MN. July 28, 2014.

Building Food Security in Alaska. (Full Report)  Ken Meter and Megan Phillips Goldenberg. Crossroads Resource Center, Minneapolis, MN. July 28, 2014.

2012 Food System Assessement – Final Report 11_19_12. Virgene Hanna, Rosyland Frazier, Khristy Parker, and Irena Ikatova. Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska Anchorage. September 2012.

Food in Alaska: Food systems, security, and policy in the 49th state Deirdre Helfferich, 2012


Food In the Last Frontier: Inside Alaska’s Food Security Challenges and Opportunities.  Elizabeth Hodges Snyder and Ken Meter.  Environment, May-June 2015.

Sustainable Agriculture for Alaska and the Circumpolar North: Part I. Development and Status of Northern Agriculture and Food Security.  Kalb T. Stevenson, Lilian Alessa, Andrew D. Kliskey, Heidi B. Rader, Alberto Pantoja and Mark Clark.  Arctic, Vol. 67 No. 3, September 2014.

Sustainable Agriculture for Alaska and the Circumpolar North: Part II. Environmental, Geophysical, Biological and Socioeconomic Challenges.  Kalb T. Stevenson, Heidi B. Rader, Lilian Alessa, Andrew D. Kliskey, Alberto Pantoja, Mark Clark and Jeffery Smeenk.  Arctic, Vol. 67 No. 3, September 2014.

Sustainable Agriculture for Alaska and the Circumpolar North: Part III. Meeting the Challenges of High-Latitude Farming.  Kalb T. Stevenson, Heidi B. Rader, Lilian Alessa, Andrew D. Kliskey, Alberto Pantoja, Mark Clark and Jeffery Smeenk.  Arctic, Vol. 67 No. 3, September 2014.

Alaska Aims to Store Emergency Food Supply for 40,000 People, Margaret Steen, Emergency Management Magazine, July 21, 2014

Outpost Gardening in Interior Alaska: Food System Innovation and the Alaska Native Gardens of the 1930s through the 1970s. Philip A. Loring and S. Craig Gerlach. Ethnohistory 2010 57(2):183-199; DOI:10.1215/00141801-2009-060

From Crisis to Cumulative Effects: Food Security Challenges in Alaska. David V. Fazzino, Philip A. Loring. In: NAPA Bulletin Special Issue: The Global Food Crisis: New Insights into an Age-old Problem. Volume 32 issue 1, November 2009.

Presentations & Talks

Food Security Investments for Alaska,” Ken Meter speaks to the Alaska Farm Bureau about a recent report commissioned by the AK Department of Health and Human Services and the Alaska Food Policy Council. November 2018.

Evolution of the Alaska Food Policy Council,” Diane Peck, webinar, Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services.  December 15, 2015.

How to Strengthen Alaska’s Food System,” Danny Consenstein, Addressing Alaskans lecture series, Alaska Botanical Garden. April 6, 2011.

Economic Aspects of Producing Food in Alaska,”  Markus Mager, Alaska Center for Energy & Power, UAF: 2010 Rural Alaska Energy Conference.

Achieving Food Justice Through Access to Nutritious, Local Foods,” Dr. Michael Sobocinski, Dr. Tracy Burke, Cara Durr, and Diane Peck: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

AFPC Town Hall Reports,” Holly Spoth-Torres: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Alaska Needs New Farmers! Do You Have What it Takes?,” Danny Consenstein, Heidi Rader, Allie Barker: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014 (handout).

Emergency Preparedness for Individuals ,” Rob Fitch and “Emergency preparedness for Communities” by Darren Snyder: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Great Idea, But How Are You Going to Pay For That?,” Quentin Fong, Amy Pettit, Michelle Rodekohr, Bryce Wrigley: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Innovations to Enhancing Local Fishing Livelihoods in Coastal Alaska,” Quentin Fong, Dune Lankard, Gordon Blue, Erin Fulton, Darius Kasprzak, and Theresa Peterson: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Permaculture Principles in Practice,” Cindee Karns, Saskia Esslinger, Allie Barker: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 8th, 2014.

Planning & Promoting Small Specialty Food Business,” Kate Idzorek and Amy Pettit: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Assessing Community Food Security in Alaska – the Sitka Experience,” Lisa Sadleir-Hart: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

The Story of Food Cooperatives in Alaska,” Andrew Crow, Keith Nyitray, Mary Christensen: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Food and Hunger Policy and Advocacy,” Mary Sullivan and Ellen Teller: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Hunger in Alaska,” Mary Sullivan: Alaska Food Festival & Conference. November 7th, 2014.

Reports, Studies, & Technical Documents

We All Eat: Preparing for the Future Through Food: Author: Lunia E. Oriol Master of Urban and Regional Planning | Transformative Food Systems Fellow Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (2024)

Food Security and Sovereignty in Alaska Native Communities: Recommendations for Improving Language and Inclusivity in Food and Agriculture Programming. Authors - Heidi Rader Professor of Extension, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Tribes Extension Project Director and Glenna Gannon Assistant Professor of Sustainable Food Systems, University of Alaska Fairbanks.(2024)

Agritourism in Alaska. Data source: 2017 Census of Agriculture data. Special data request. Contact: Claudia Schmidt, Penn State: (2023)

“Alaskanizing” Salmon-Safe Standards: A Model for the Co-existence of Salmon and Agriculture. Sundance Visser. September 2022.

Feasibility Report: Organics Collection and Processing within The Municipality of Anchorage. Published by Municipality of Anchorage, Solid Waste Services, Prepared by Debra Darby Manager, Organics Sustainability Solutions Tetra Tech. December 2021.

Tanana Chiefs Conference Regional Food Assessment and Recommendations. Prepared for TCC by Agnew::Beck Consulting. September 2021

A Market Management-Centered Approach to Building Farmers Markets in Alaska. Robbi Mixon. August 2021.

Alaska Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Facts Report. Published by State of Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services. Published November 2020 

Transportation Barriers and Recommendations: Lessons learned from building a food hub in Southeast Alaska. Colin Peacock and Jennifer Nu, Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition. October 2020.

Growing Local Food: A survey of the commercial producers on the southern Kenai Peninsula. Prepared by Kyra Wagner & Nicole Arevalo for Homer Soil & Water Conservation District. 2018.

Buying Local Food: A survey of southern Kenai Peninsula restaurants and institutions. Prepared by Kyra Wagner & Nicole Arevalo for Homer Soil & Water Conservation District. 2018.

Southcentral Alaska Agriculture & Food Hub Market Analysis. Melissa Heuer. Spork Consulting. January 2018.

Central Peninsula Agricultural Market Analysis. Melissa Heuer. Spork Consulting, contracted by Kenai Soil & Water Conservation District. April 2017.

Alaska Seafood Purchasing Guide for Schools, an Alaska Seagrant Publication by Jennifer Nu, Andrea Bersamin and Quentin Fong, 2015

Potential Infrastructure Investments for Alaska-Grown Food. Ken Meter and Megan Phillips Goldenberg. Crossroads Resource Center, Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 18, 2018

Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework: How to Assess the Arctic From An Inuit Perspective.  Summary and Recommendations and Technical Report.  Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska,  October, 2015.

AFPC Community Food Emergency & Resilience Template, 2015.

Demand for Local Produce in Interior Alaska: 2014 Market Study Christien Nguyen.  Alaska Cooperative Development Program, Fairbanks, AK, 2014.

Building Food Security in Alaska. Executive Summary & Recommendations.  Ken Meter and Megan Phillips Goldenberg. Crossroads Resource Center, Minneapolis, MN. July 28, 2014.

Southeast Alaska Food System Assessment. Lia Heifetz. Southeast Conference, Juneau, AK. 2014.

Food Security in the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: A report on local seafood, consumer preferences, and community needs. Philip A. Loring, S. Craig Gerlach, and Hannah L. Harrison. WERC-HD Occasional Report No.01, Gamble, J.B. (ed.), Human Dimensions Lab at the Water and Environmental Research Center: Fairbanks, Alaska. 2012

2012 Food System Assessement – Final Report 11_19_12 Virgene Hanna, Rosyland Frazier, Khristy Parker, and Irena Ikatova. Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska Anchorage. September 2012.

Sustainable Livestock Production in Alaska Workshop Report. JE Rowell, MP Shipka, JA Greenberg, SC Gerlach, and T Paragi, editors. UAF School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. October 2011.

Food Security in Arctic Alaska: A Preliminary Assessment.  Richard Caulfield. Chaire Condition Autochtone, Université de Laval, Canada. 2000.

Food in Alaska: Food systems, security, and policy in the 49th state Deirdre Helfferich, 2012

Sitka Community Food Assessment Indicators Report, 2014


Taste of Alaska Challenge 2011Survey results from the Alaska State Fair, published by the Alaska Farmland Trust. December 2011.

Anchorage and the Local Food System. Report by the Center for Community Engagement and Learning, UAA, Alaska Food Policy Council. June 2011.

Assessing Food Security in Fairbanks, Alaska: A Survey Approach to Community Food Production. Senior thesis by Charles Caster, UAF. May 2011.


Alaska Farmers Markets Toolkit

Food Security and Emergency Preparedness, Cooperative Extension Service

Plants_Food and Medicine around us_2015 Ellen Tyler Parry, July 2015.

Ways to Help and Ways to Hinder:“ Climate, Health, and Food Security in Alaska. May 2010. Philip A. Loring, doctoral thesis, UAF. May 2010.

Study Module: Food Traditions and Food Systems in Rural Alaska (Module 10, Land and Environment II, Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies 312. S. Craig Gerlach, Laura Henry, and Amy M. Turner. University of the Arctic. 2008.

100 Years of Agriculture in Alaska,” Agroborealis, Vol.30, No.1, Spring 1998.

The Classroom Indoor Garden