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About Us

We are the Alaska Food Policy Council.  Our vision is to create a healthier, more secure, and abundant food system that feeds all Alaskans.

AFPC Infographic.JPG

Our Mission:

The AFPC connects, advocates, and informs, to strengthen food systems for all Alaskans.

Our Vision:

We envision a healthy, secure, abundant food system that feeds all Alaskans.

Our Food, Our People, Our Future

The AFPC is open to anyone interested in improving Alaska’s food systems - agencies and individuals representing federal and state agencies, tribal entities, schools, university programs, farmers, fisheries, and food systems businesses . The role of the AFPC is to:

 CONNECT: Engage with Alaskans to get input to strengthen our food system, and to connect them with each other to learn and collaborate.

ADVOCATE: Develop recommendations and share them with policy makers at the local, state, federal, and tribal level.

INFORM: Share information, resources, opportunities and risks with all food stakeholders (everyone who eats!)

2023 Annual Report

Download this AFPC info-graphic here!
